Abdullah DOĞMUŞ

Aldığım Dersler

  • Kategori : Transkript
  • Proje Sahibi : Abdullah DOĞMUŞ
  • Proje Yılı : 2016-2021

2016-2017 Fall

English Prep

2016-2017 Spring
English Prep

2017-2018 Fall
ARCH 109 Design Studio I
ARCH 131 History of Art
ARCH 151 Graphic Communication I
ATA 151 Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution I
ENG 231 Expository Reading and Writing
MAT 153 Calculus I
TRD 157 Turkish Language I

2017-2018 Spring
ARCH 110 Design Studio II
ARCH 150 Theory of Architecture
ARCH 160 Building Materials and Components I
ATA 152 Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution II
ENG 232 Analytical Reading and Writing
MAT 154 Calculus II
TRD 158 Turkish Language II

2018-2019 Fall
ARCH 258 Transformatıons, Varıatıons, Analogıes: Work In Context
ARCH 274 Cad for Architecture
ARCH 426 Constructıon Sıte Applıcatıons
ARCH 209 Design Studio III
ARCH 223 Statics-Strength of Materials
ARCH 231 History of Architecture I
ARCH 270 Building Materials and Components II

2018-2019 Spring
ARCH 338 Phılosophy Of Art
ARCH 152 Graphic Communication II
ARCH 210 Design Studio IV
ARCH 224 Building Statics
ARCH 232 History of Architecture II
ARCH 263 Environmental Control Systems
MAT 154 Calculus II

Aldığım Dersler